Friday, November 1, 2013

Blog 5

This article from Huffington Post, talks about the negative impact that food stamps will do next year for the ones that are currently on food stamps, due to the Republicans wanting to reduce the food stamps by 5 billion. This will affect people who are on assistance tremendously, because they heavily rely on the support of the government in order for them to supply for themselves and/or their families. People in the assistance in order to survive. Food banks also will be affected by reduction of food stamps, because they will expect more people to come to their banks, and some banks haven’t received many donations from people and other organizations. Some people can’t afford to lose couple of dollars behind the government’s decision to reduce food stamps by 5 billion. This shows the governments carelessness for the people who need for the extra help especially for the need for nutrition. They aren't focusing on the impact that food stamps reduction will do for the lower income citizens. Instead they are focusing on getting the economy out of debt. If the government wants to get the country from debt, they shouldn't be taking the cuts of assistance in order to do so.  People actually need the help, and shouldn't have people starve for the economy to get back from debt. The government should consider finding other ways to get the government from debt than to cut people from food sources or frighten if they will have enough food for the rest of the month. This article talks about overall impact that this cut will do for people low incomes, and need assistance.


  1. I feel like you failed to see the big picture. Although you made some accurate statements, I fell like this is a perfectly reasonable way to cut spending to lower our debt. Of course the government spends recklessly – especially when it comes to food stamps. Briana, you claimed that the government is not “focusing on the impact that food stamps reduction will do for the lower income citizens. Instead they are focusing on getting the economy out of debt.” The problem with what you said, is that you are making it sound like all the people that receive food stamps are lower class and they have no other means of getting or acquiring food, and this may be partially accurate but I would encourage you to do more research. I personally know people that lie, to get food stamps. I also know people that are just pure lazy that receives food stamps. Those are the people that need to be cut off. I do not believe that the government is going to take it away from the people who absolutely need it, like the disabled and the families who are below the poverty line. Even if they did, there are ways to survive. Nobody said life was easy. There is also no foul play when you work for what you have. People could work more than one job, go to food pantries, and they could hunt for food. Food pantries will always be around and there will always be donations. People might not be eating what they want but they will have what they need. Nobody will starve, that’s not already starving. You’re making this country sound like its out to get us and in many ways they are, but by lowering the amount of food stamps that they distribute a year, would not be a good example, this is just a way the government can potentially decrease our debt; its harsh but its reality. Furthermore, I do not believe that food stamps are the ideal American dream; people need to get a grip and stop getting handouts.

    1. First of all I just want to say that I respect and somewhat agree with your statement in regards to my opinion about the food stamp cut that might be happening next year. I am aware that there are lazy people in our nation that rely solely on the government to assist them even though they aren’t doing anything to fix it, but I still believe that the bill will make a negative impact due to the fact that it will be primarily affecting the ones that are elderly or disabled and can’t work. We’re not just talking about the healthy and able pedestrians that maybe capable of getting a job or two, that’s understandable, but it’s about every citizen; the ones who can’t work and needs assistance. There are so many men and women out there trying to hustle, but is stopped from fulfilling it, because they are constantly denied a job or is laid off. Work is scarce; it’s not that easy to get a job nowadays, and it takes time. I do agree that there are alternatives available that people can take until they get back on their feet, such as food banks, who are more than happy to feed the ones in need of food; I mean I’ve gotten food from the food bank when I was little and also served at the food banks, and also seen the some of the same people get back in line twice, or three times, because they may have a family of three, four, or five and food isn’t enough to last them for two weeks even. The government doesn’t really know who is really in need and the ones who are pretending. Trust me, I know some people too that are taking advantage of the government’s help and also have a very nice three bedroom house in the suburbs , does a hobby as a job instead, and gets paid decent money. There are two types of people here in America that do or can’t work and want free assistance but everyone is anonymous to the government’s eyes. I believe that the government is most likely going to end up denying the ones who actually really need it and accepting the ones who don’t necessarily need it if this bill is passed anyway, I don’t think its going to encourage the lazy citizens who are capable and healthy to look for a job, although it might (fingers crossed).

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