Friday, October 18, 2013

Blog 4

“What is the 19th amendment” by Alex Palomeo, a blogger for Huffington Post, is claiming that Texas Republicans are deeming women from voting, since Wendy Davis is now running for Governor. Palomeo explains the examples of how Republicans are disenfranchising women from voting. One by having an updated id- which can be disadvantaging to women since they may be married, and won’t have time  to change their name on their id, once their married. She also states that women have the correct documents stated if their married, divorced, or/and a court ordered name change, which is discouraging to many women since they are the ones that have to change their name while going through marriage or divorce. Palomeo’s audience was targeted to women in Texas and also women in general, since there is a woman running for a higher, greater position of Texas and is an advocate for women right to have an abortion. Her belief is to not have the required qualification of voting among women with ids, since it’s easily discouraging to women and lowers women’s chance of  voting, which is unfair, therefore I agree that this new requirement for voting, shouldn’t be allowed. I’m a big fan of Davis, and want her to win, but I feel like Texas republicans are scared of Davis because she’s a female, and a strong advocate for getting more female voters than male voters. I feel like they aren’t letting women have a chance at running the state. Its intimidating to male politicans.

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