Friday, December 13, 2013

One Last Blog :)

  In America's Current Government,Kayly’s blog, was about the controversy about assisting suicide. She talked about the physician who assisted over 130 people in the hopes of ending their lives. I agreed with Kayly stating that assisted suicide would be more appropriate for the ones who are in the final stages of dying i.e. cancer, that way they do not have to deal with the pain rather than killing someone because they are depressed because it can be preventable. I also agreed with Jack K’s opinion with death row inmates donating their organs after death. It does not make sense to leave a perfectly functional organ wasted than giving it someone who are in dying need. I thought the story of Jack K’s vision of helping people was compelling, and thought Kayly’s blog was good and interesting.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Balancing Pop Culture and Governing

Should the US Government stay out of the entertainment media coverage and celebrity lifestyles? Alternatively, have celebrity friends or talk about other celebrities? Many Americans ask that question. President Obama, during a press conference, mentioned that today’s youth are more concerned about what stars are doing, they fantasize about the lavish lifestyles that celebrities live in, and think that its apart of success. Rather than admiring and striving to be like people who make a difference in the world and focus on how to change the world to make it better, they falsely imitate their idols that do not have any substance like talent, intelligence, and/or philanthropy skills. Falsified celebrities are more important to kids nowadays, than what is going on overseas and what is affecting them personally, as far as politically changing the world. He referenced Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, as prime examples of what kids think are “achievers” nowadays than actual people who achieved though the power of education and knowledge. President Obama got major backlash on both sides for even mentioning Kardashian and West, claiming that as a President of the United States, he should be focusing on politics and leading the country, rather than stooping down to their level and giving them more relevance. I personally believe that President Obama has every right to say his opinion, he is the President first, and the constitution gave him that option. However, most importantly, I think he is correct as far as his plea to encourage kids, young adults to choose their idols wisely with whom they wish to be like. It is not always the reach of success and it will not last for long.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Blog 6

Mary Noble voiced her opinion about my opinion of the food stamp cut that will maybe be happening next year. She indicated that i wasn't seeing the whole picture and needed to do more research in regards to the citizens  are just  lazy and needs to get a job and also making it seem that America was coming after citizens, which in some cases,  i believe they are.  I explained that I still believe that the bill will make a negative impact due to the fact that it will be primarily affecting the ones that are elderly or disabled and can’t work. i also stated that the government will still over see who's who when it comes down to who really needs it, and doesn't. Everyone is anonymous in the governments eyes . I also said that didn't think it is going to encourage lazy citizens who are capable and healthy to look for a job because i believe that they will keep denying the ones who need it and accept the ones who don't need it.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Blog 5

This article from Huffington Post, talks about the negative impact that food stamps will do next year for the ones that are currently on food stamps, due to the Republicans wanting to reduce the food stamps by 5 billion. This will affect people who are on assistance tremendously, because they heavily rely on the support of the government in order for them to supply for themselves and/or their families. People in the assistance in order to survive. Food banks also will be affected by reduction of food stamps, because they will expect more people to come to their banks, and some banks haven’t received many donations from people and other organizations. Some people can’t afford to lose couple of dollars behind the government’s decision to reduce food stamps by 5 billion. This shows the governments carelessness for the people who need for the extra help especially for the need for nutrition. They aren't focusing on the impact that food stamps reduction will do for the lower income citizens. Instead they are focusing on getting the economy out of debt. If the government wants to get the country from debt, they shouldn't be taking the cuts of assistance in order to do so.  People actually need the help, and shouldn't have people starve for the economy to get back from debt. The government should consider finding other ways to get the government from debt than to cut people from food sources or frighten if they will have enough food for the rest of the month. This article talks about overall impact that this cut will do for people low incomes, and need assistance.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Blog 4

“What is the 19th amendment” by Alex Palomeo, a blogger for Huffington Post, is claiming that Texas Republicans are deeming women from voting, since Wendy Davis is now running for Governor. Palomeo explains the examples of how Republicans are disenfranchising women from voting. One by having an updated id- which can be disadvantaging to women since they may be married, and won’t have time  to change their name on their id, once their married. She also states that women have the correct documents stated if their married, divorced, or/and a court ordered name change, which is discouraging to many women since they are the ones that have to change their name while going through marriage or divorce. Palomeo’s audience was targeted to women in Texas and also women in general, since there is a woman running for a higher, greater position of Texas and is an advocate for women right to have an abortion. Her belief is to not have the required qualification of voting among women with ids, since it’s easily discouraging to women and lowers women’s chance of  voting, which is unfair, therefore I agree that this new requirement for voting, shouldn’t be allowed. I’m a big fan of Davis, and want her to win, but I feel like Texas republicans are scared of Davis because she’s a female, and a strong advocate for getting more female voters than male voters. I feel like they aren’t letting women have a chance at running the state. Its intimidating to male politicans.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Blog 2#

From Huffington Post, Moises Serrano's blog titled "Obamacare: Does Obama Care about all Americans?" talks about the effects of  Obamacare doesn't support  Deferrent Action recipients  such as himself, and  is  hurting immigrants that comes to America seeking affordable insurance when they need it. He thinks that Obama feels that immigrants aren't worthy of affordable healthcare, and if immigrants are willing to live in this nation, should have benefits just like every other citizen. Serrano feels that every immigrant that comes to America should have health insurance, in which he feels that Obama wants to preserve it for American citizens. He also feels that denying affordable health care to immigrants will cost the nation and will be the downfall of the nation. Serrano feels that if Obama is for immigrant-he should be for immigrants that need insurance as well. I believe that if there are immigrants are making a living in America, they should be able to have affordable benefits especially if its something that is  uncontrollable, like one's health. Just like I would expect to have the same benefits as everyone else if i was living in a different country. I would want to have the same the same benefits because I would feel since i'm living in your country and i'm making a living by living in your country, i should at least get some affordable assistant. One's health is more important than anything else, and its sad that people have to worry about simply not breaking a leg or catching a cold because they don't have insurance.I wish that we have insurance like other countries were medical care cost little to none and medicine is cheap. Its depressing how people in America and immigrants have no insurance and can't afford medical care

Friday, September 20, 2013

Blog # 1

On September 21,2013 Hufftington Post published house votes to cut food stamps by 40 Billion. 
This article talks about how the house wanted to cut Food Stamps by 40 billion dollars. The house wanted to go forward with this cut in effort to help more of the poor to get jobs, and find jobs.Although many citizens believe that it is not beneficial, and promotes unfairness to the ones who are disabled or the elderly, the government feels that it's nessicary to get people to work, and get jobs. This shows how the government wants a working nation without any help from the government. This article is worth reading because it shows how people who needs assistance from the government, are going to be affected by the cut, because they actually need it and its benificial to their life. Some people can't afford to be denied by this cut.