Friday, November 15, 2013

Blog 6

Mary Noble voiced her opinion about my opinion of the food stamp cut that will maybe be happening next year. She indicated that i wasn't seeing the whole picture and needed to do more research in regards to the citizens  are just  lazy and needs to get a job and also making it seem that America was coming after citizens, which in some cases,  i believe they are.  I explained that I still believe that the bill will make a negative impact due to the fact that it will be primarily affecting the ones that are elderly or disabled and can’t work. i also stated that the government will still over see who's who when it comes down to who really needs it, and doesn't. Everyone is anonymous in the governments eyes . I also said that didn't think it is going to encourage lazy citizens who are capable and healthy to look for a job because i believe that they will keep denying the ones who need it and accept the ones who don't need it.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Blog 5

This article from Huffington Post, talks about the negative impact that food stamps will do next year for the ones that are currently on food stamps, due to the Republicans wanting to reduce the food stamps by 5 billion. This will affect people who are on assistance tremendously, because they heavily rely on the support of the government in order for them to supply for themselves and/or their families. People in the assistance in order to survive. Food banks also will be affected by reduction of food stamps, because they will expect more people to come to their banks, and some banks haven’t received many donations from people and other organizations. Some people can’t afford to lose couple of dollars behind the government’s decision to reduce food stamps by 5 billion. This shows the governments carelessness for the people who need for the extra help especially for the need for nutrition. They aren't focusing on the impact that food stamps reduction will do for the lower income citizens. Instead they are focusing on getting the economy out of debt. If the government wants to get the country from debt, they shouldn't be taking the cuts of assistance in order to do so.  People actually need the help, and shouldn't have people starve for the economy to get back from debt. The government should consider finding other ways to get the government from debt than to cut people from food sources or frighten if they will have enough food for the rest of the month. This article talks about overall impact that this cut will do for people low incomes, and need assistance.